Saturday, July 17, 2010

just in case...

I just finished reading this amazing book called, Crossing Oceans and it really made me think about so much in life that I wouldn't normally think about...this may be morbid of me to talk about, but important none-the-less...when I go into labor with this 3rd princess of ours, there are a few things I need for people to know...I plan on telling Paul all of this (some of it he knows because we went through it with both Rachel and Abbie), but just in case I forget to bring it up, or if there is any kind of controversy, I want others to be aware too....If, for some reason, there are complications during labor the 1st thing that I want to happen is for my baby to be taken care of...even if it means life or death for me, this baby is my world and I want the Dr's. to fight for her life BEFORE mine. I have already discussed this with Paul and my parents, but when the circumstances arise, people can forget...the second thing is, I have a folder that is for bills....I am going to write down the different websites, user names and passwords, so if something (heaven forbid) did happen to me, Paul would have access to pay the bills...I have just recently thought of this after reading that book, so I haven't had the chance (yet) to talk to Paul about maybe someone can remind him of it if something does happen???? Thanks....

Enough of being morbid for now....frightening to think about, I know...but it has happened to people before and I want to be prepared....

This weekend was a wonderful weekend (so far) minus sleep....We were able to get our front yard flower garden finished (minus one plant and mulch) on Friday and then we went to Holland for the night and all day today. Rachel and Abbie were both awake until at least midnight last night and I had TERRIBLE leg cramps that actually made me legs STILL hurt and are shakey....ugh....I am trying to get more potassium to see if that will help at all....

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